Get to know Sarah

What Is She?
A Swedish roleplaying metal-rocker geek! I grew up in the US for a time before I went back to Sweden and have been living there since.
What Is Her Favorite...?
Roleplaying system: Dungeons and Dragons 5E
Artist(s): Trivium, Alter Bridge, Rammstein, In This Moment
Book(s): Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, the Witcher, the Hunger Games
Series: Game of Thrones (not season 8), the Witcher, New Girl, House of the Dragon
Landscape: Mountains!
Plant(s): Philodendreons
Why Storytelling?
Why not? Stories are what make life interesting. I’ve always strived to deal with difficulties and struggles by incorporating them into stories. When it comes to what genre it usually lands in the fantasy realm. Call it escapism, but I love it and believe we all need it.