Amabell’s Brothel

Amabell’s Brothel Access Hidden Content Rose Lane The Wanderers Levent Rose Lane’s Pleasure House The most popular pleasure house in Rose Lane belongs to a woman named Amabell. Singers and musicians are welcome to perform on the stage in the ballroom area. The air lies heavy with sweat, lust, and a variety of perfumes. No matter the hour of the day, the house is visited for its incredible service and hospitality. Not only does the pleasure house offer services connected to the Unborn, but it is also a place for creativity and joy, a respite from the grim streets of Levent. Bawds and Madams These individuals negotiate fees, ensure the safety of the establishment, handle the contracts with local government and speak to the Guides. They manage the day-to-day operations. Courtesans One of the main reasons to visit a pleasure house is to have a physical interaction with a courtesan. However, these people serve a much more important role than sexual pleasure. They are experts in conversation, dance, and companionship. Courtesans employed by a pleasure house in Vesilia hold a lot of power over each patron. Each courtesan decides for themselves which patron to interact and offer services to. Female courtesans are sanctioned by the faith to carry and deliver children at the pleasure house of their employment. They are protected by the Unborn and are entitled to live in the care of the pleasure house. There is an equal number of female and male courtesans as the duties to the Unborn apply to every adult. Performers A pleasure house is not only a place for sexual interaction, it is a place to interact with the local community. In many aspects the houses function as a tavern. To enhance the experience musicians and entertainers take the stage with music, stories, dancing and singing. Servants A pleasure house needs ambitious workers to ensure cleanliness and upkeep. These servants are responsible for providing food and beverages, changing bed sheets, and cleaning. Secret Erotic Short Story! Secret erotic short story! Are you over 18 years old? Then you can access this free read from the Legends Steeped in Red. Read the short story “Faithful” which is an erotic story following a woman who visits a pleasure house. Click here to read it on Wattpad. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

Ellswood’s Smithy

Ellswood’s Smithy Access Hidden Content Rose Lane The Kingdom of Vesilia Levent A Rose Lane Institution Situated in the middle of Rose Lane this smithy and its owner remain busy. Tools and raw materials clutter the workshop making it nearly impossible to find a specific item. Visitors see chaos and clutter, but the fifty-year-old blacksmith navigates the area with ease. Ellswood’s smithy is something of a landmark in Rose Lane, and the blacksmith himself is part of what makes it special.  The world passes him by outside the four walls of his workshop and home. The Following in the neighborhood ensures deliveries of meals to his door in exchange for prioritized deliveries. Ellswood is a known hermit who keeps to himself. He rarely leaves his home and when patrons come with their business they are told to leave their political ideals at the door. No matter the customer’s ideals Ellswood will provide the best service which is one of the reasons why his shop is one of the most profitable ones of Levent. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

The Laughing Rooster

The Laughing Rooster Access Hidden Content Rose Lane The Kingdom of Vesilia Levent The Laughing Rooster, may look and feel like any other tavern and inn within Levent’s walls but for some, this is a home and belonging. The Following’s district leaders known as Presiders have operated from the Laughing Rooster in Rose Lane for many years. The inn serves as a front for the Following. The backrooms are where meetings and gatherings occur. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

Rose Lane

Rose Lane Access Hidden Content Amabell’s Brothel Ellswood’s Smithy The Laughing Rooster Andyr’s Practice Levent A Tight-Knit Community Squeezed between Keelheart, Main Street and Graceview lies the middle-class district Rose Lane. Just like neighboring districts, Rose Lane’s buildings shine red. The streets are meticulously planned making a visitor’s travel easier. Cobblestone streets wind through the district with the occasional dirt path replacing it. Lamp posts with oil lanterns shed light into the dark night and offer some comfort. Nestled in with residential buildings shops, stalls, inns, and workshops fill the district with life. As for entertainment, Rose Lane holds a vibrant cultural scene with taverns and pleasure houses actively hosting plays and concerts. The Following In the wake of Rick Haven’s rebellion a determined rebel group known as the Following formed. Their opposition is rooted in discontent with the monarchy and the oppressive policies. Once the Leventie uprising had been quelled and the dust settled, the discontent which led the way for the uprising still remained in the capital. Unlike the uprising that came before where the nobility and higher tiers of society came together under Rick’s leadership, the Following has rallied commoners and nobles to their cause. The Crownless King In Riverview, the uprising met its abrupt end. Everyone standing near Rick Haven were tried and executed by the Crimson Wights. Rick was taken into custody where he had to witness the executions of his co-conspirators and ultimately his beloved and two children. Why Rick was spared a Victim’s Will remains a mystery to this day. Some claim that Rick’s sister Elana Thorne spared his life while others say that the utter humiliation, mutilation and disgrace was enough punishment. Without any titles or wealth, Rick was left in the streets of Levent where he did his best to end his own life. Before this could happen, the Following, which had been gathering strength in the ashes of the rebellion, reached out to Rick two years after the uprising. The Following needed a person to rally behind and to replace the Thornes with. Rick reluctantly accepted. Hierarchy In recent years the Following has transformed from operating in the shadows to operating in the open. This change has been made possible by the Following’s dealings and contacts with important decision-makers. There is an understanding or rather a compromise between the Following and the Crown that is very fragile. Rick maintains the highest rank in the Following, but he is not the sole ruler. Without his close district leaders, he does not have a chance to lead the Following. Lord and Lady Presiders A Presider is the leader of a specific district, location, or area who is in charge of the day-to-day dealings of the rebel group. They become experts in their area ruling over the operations, dealings, and finances. Protectors As indicated by the name, Protectors are the ones who stay at their Presider’s side at all times keeping him or her safe from harm. Regulators Regulators are the ones who handle the resources the Presiders have at their disposal. He or she collects donations and resources in the name of the Following. The Following’s Cause Opposition to Racism The Following are strongly opposed to the Crown’s policies against the Eckrosie. The policies have resulted in the mistreatment and slaughter of the minor community which has not shown any signs of aggression against Vesilian interests. Overthrowing the Crown Their ultimate goal is to overthrow the unjust rulers and replace it with a more inclusive and representative system of governance. They are not seeking to end the monarchy, but they are seeking to rearrange the policies under which it governs. Ending the Trade of Thralls The Following advocates for the abolishment of the trading of human lives. In recent years enterprises have spawned where a select group of people sign contracts with desperate individuals who, more or less, become the employees’ property. Financing Contributions from Sympathizers Individuals who share the Following’s beliefs provide financial support anonymously. It may be goods, coins, or other resources.  Plundering and Theft Occasionally members of the Following carry out strategic ambushes on tax collectors and valuable assets meant to supply the Crown. Trade Since the Following is deep-rooted in areas such as Rose Lane and Main Street, there are many resources to be had in exchange for protection and the Following’s connection with corrupt officials. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

Cidron’s Study

Cidron’s Study Access Hidden Content Keelheart Rosses’ Haven Levent To the left of the corridor, another set of doors lines up. A door to the right holds the study of Cidron Ross himself. It is a study filled with drawers and a robust desk resting on a thick carpet. The chair at the desk sits a little higher than the two opposite chairs, a testament to Cidron’s self-importance and pride. The study holds several copies of contracts signed between Cidron and the thralls working for him. The contracts vary in length and detail. Cidron sets the conditions and writes the terms on the sheets of papers. Since most of the individuals seeking his aid are illiterate they are unable to comprehend the contracts that bind them to Cidron’s service. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

The Fighting Ring

The Fighting Ring Access Hidden Content Keelheart Rosses’ Haven Levent A hot, stuffy room with air heavy with sweat and booze is what lies beneath Rosses’ Haven. The basement is cramped even before the presence of an unruly crowd cheering and jeering enters it. The walls are as damp as the floor is rugged and worn, bearing scars of countless fighting thralls. The low ceiling nearly touches the top of men’s scalps with its proximity. Splintered chairs and tables are haphazardly tossed off into the shy corners of the basement only to be dragged forth whenever a bidding war begins. The crowd squeezes into the basement, all with their own reasons for partaking in one of Cidron’s games. A collection of goons and friends as well as business partners and merchants eagerly join when the violence is about to commence. What is to be expected from these evenings is entertainment. Thralls of all ages, genders, and backgrounds end up in the middle of the basement where they are made to enter a battle. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

Andyr’s Practice

Andyr’s Practice Access Hidden Content Rose Lane Levent On the outskirts of Rose Lane and Main Street, the renowned healer Andyr runs a practice.  In exchange for coins, the healer will treat any ailment or affliction the patrons may have. He works and lives out of this building but will on occasion travel to nearby districts and the Halls to provide healing and medicine to the poor, unable to pay for his services.  The ground floor houses the main entrance and a reception area. The walls are not adorned with tapestries, instead herb bundles hang in their stead to dry. A fragrant herbal scent lingers, covering the occasional reek of bodily fluids. The ground floor acts as a communal space for patrons to await the time-consumed healer. A wooden staircase leads upwards to the second floor and the inside balcony that overlooks the entrance. This place allows the healer to observe the visitors from above, saving him precious moments to evaluate their needs. On the second floor, easily accessible rooms shield the patients from prying eyes. The rooms are stripped to the essentials, a bed, a chair, and a nightstand. Bundles of drying herbs move in the occasional breeze coming through the small windows. Hidden on the first floor a cozy living space lies for Andyr to relax in. A comfortable bed and a kitchen accommodate the healer’s practice. A fact that is not well-known is that Andyr has a supply of the banned herb known as lockets. This supply lies on the top floor, in a tiny study area. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

The Library

The Library Access Hidden Content Levent The library itself is a vast, single hall that stretches far with a high-vaulted ceiling supported by columns. Sunlight streams through wide stained glass windows near the ceiling. Upon entering, visitors are met by a counter where librarians welcome the learned to partake in the collection of knowledge within. Once granted entry, visitors step into endless rows of bookshelves where books bound in leather stack neatly together. Signs above each aisle guide people through the organized categories.  Within the library’s depths reading alcoves and reading nooks offer a secluded area for readers to delve deeper into the books. High-backed chairs arranged around circular tables offer readers comfort. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

The Tailor’s

The Tailor’s Access Hidden Content Rose Lane Levent A woman named Gizelle owns the shop and has successfully run it for three decades after her mother and father’s passing. Unlike many of the other merchants placed in Rose Lane, this tailor uses the services of the Rosses to ease the workload. In exchange for a monthly fee, the Rosses send capable thralls to come and assist. This activity has been met with much disdain from the Following of Rose Lane. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

Towers of Remembrance

Towers of Remembrance Access Hidden Content Stysen Eckros Books of Life A life is a life. One single event where a soul is granted existence. A soul only exists once, never before, never after. The Eckrosie faith differs from the other cultures that place their faith in a deity or a higher power. Eckrosie does not believe in an afterlife. Their beliefs are connected to the soul, the journey, and the story. Everyone, no matter where they come from, what they do, or what they believe has a story that is being told. Eckrosie celebrates life. In honor of this, they created the Towers of Remembrance, enormous libraries where the lives of those departed remain. Once a person dies the body holds no significance and therefore is disposed of. A body is just a vessel. What remains are the tales and the stories the deceased leave. Before the Great Wars Towers of Remembrance served as tombstones and graveyards to its people.  Storytellers traveled around the country to collect and store the people’s stories in Books of Life. They gathered all the information they were presented with from friends and families and wrote it down in two copies. One entered the nearby library while the other book made it to the Grand Tower of Remembrance in Ackroth. A person can die two times according to Eckrosie. The first is a natural occurrence but the second death is considered the worst. A second death is when a person’s Books of Life is destroyed in any way or if a person does not get a book written. Without the Books of Life, there is no proof, story, or indication that the person and their soul ever existed. During countless wars and disputes, thousands of second deaths struck Eckros and its culture. War crimes committed went unanswered. “Never Forgotten” were words always carved into the stone above the entrances to the Towers. It was to remind its visitors of the significance the Towers held. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

Dahle’s Estate

Dahle’s Estate Access Hidden Content Riverview Levent A well-tended garden invites its visitors to a magnificent five-story building belonging to Judge Dahle. The mansion, made from pearl-white stone, creates a welcoming and sheltered entrance with its U-shaped design. Tall, arched windows bring light into the luxurious interior and provide its visitors with the vast scenery beyond the city.  The mansion itself attests to the wealth and power of its owner, with intricate details decorating the columns and arches. The interior shines with the same degree of excellence with its grand ballrooms, libraries, and dining halls. Polished floors reflect every inch of sunlight through the massive windows. Before entering the astounding Dahle estate, one travels through lush gardens. Colors and fragrances fight for pollinators’ attention within the neatly trimmed hedges along a path leading from the streets into the enclosed mansion. Law & Justice Radley Dahle shares blood with the Thorne family through the late King Wendel Thorne. Despite his relation to the Crown Radley decided to pursue a career in the judicial system. He worked his way up the ladder to become one of the senior judges to sit in the Precedents’ Court in Levent. Judges Judges are educated men and women who are elected by the heads of government within a certain hamlet or area. They have spent at least two years of study in Nedox and three years of studies in the Precedents’ Court of Levent. All in all, they have five years of studies to rely on in their work. The Precedents’ Court The Precedents’ Court in Levent is Vesilia’s main body for law and order. A library, housing all rulings past and present as well as all laws, exists and is regularly visited by scholars, judges, and officers. The Precedents’ Court houses a collection of courtrooms as well as a prison on the very bottom floor.  The court appoints judges who serve in Levent for a period of seven years. It handles the creation of new laws and deals with matters of great concern that the district courts are too small or ill-equipped to handle. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

The Holden’s Estate

The Holden’s Estate Access Hidden Content Thorne’s Town The Kingdom of Vesilia Near the river flowing through Thorne’s Town a mansion belonging to the Holden household lies. Up a hillside, towards a steep mountain face, trimmed bushes and hedges lead to a gray mansion. The nocks are made from dark oak and bring forth a unique characteristic. The household belongs to Lord and Lady Holden. Their oldest and only child is Clarissa Holden. The family has unfortunately been unlucky in their attempts to get more children after the sudden death of their five-year-old twins many years ago. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE


Stysen Access Hidden Content Towers of Remembrance Eckros Hidden deep within a dense and old forest on the outskirts of Thorne’s Town there is a nomadic settlement known as Stysen. This community of Eckrosie refugees lives in a collection of elaborate caravans in the heart of the forest. The settlement is mobile and blends seamlessly into the surroundings with its natural colors. Life in Stysen is self-sufficient where the inhabitants forage for wild berries, herbs, and mushrooms and hunt within the confines of the forest. Cooking is never done during the daytime as the risk of discovery is too great. This is done at night, in protected hearths, limiting the light from the fires. Secrecy is prioritized and the people of Stysen go to great lengths to ensure it. Hidden trails, well-organized escape routes, and look-outs help guard this secret. In regards to leadership, the decisions are made collectively within the community. The settlement consists of roughly forty individuals with some notable ones living and integrating with the Vesilian society. Through this enterprise, Stysen remains informed of ongoing events throughout the realms. Near the end of the Great Wars, a steady flow of Eckrosie refugees sought shelter in Vesilia, Burrous, and Drelorn. Upon reaching Vesilia the refugees were placed under the crown’s supervision and judgment. Some people fled from the rural and urban environment to seek shelter far away from the established society to escape persecution, discrimination, and death. Ever since losing their own country, the people of Stysen live in secret to avoid discovery until a day may come when they are given the same rights as everyone else. Chosen Names A vital part of the Eckrosie culture that separates it from others is the tradition of each individual choosing their name. Upon the birth of a child, the caretakers may give the individual a temporary name. Many Eckrosie names are Eckrosie words, such as Storm, Sun, Rain, and Heart. It is a name that describes the person. Some may seek to change their name more than once throughout their lives. The Eckrosie Laws of Vesilia Eckrosie refugees who have sought shelter in Vesilia have no rights in the eyes of the law. They are seen as dangerous foreigners who seek to destroy Vesilia. In 383 when Wendel Thorne was assassinated in the theater, his son Canden Thorne declared war upon all Eckrosie people who sought shelter within Vesilia’s borders. It is believed by the government that every Eckrosie descendant seeks vengeance and retribution for the wars. Speaking Eckrosie or indulging in Eckrosie traditions without permission of a court may attract the eyes of the law. Rewards on the capture of Eckrosie descendants have been in effect ever since the year 383. Branding Vesilian culture leans heavily on branding as a form of punishment, it is an easy way to convey a person’s guilt. A person who has been found guilty of some sort of crime regarding the Eckrosie is branded on the upright of their wrist. The brand is a simplified pattern of the Eckrosie flag. As with all kinds of branding and scarring, the placement of said disfigurement is of more significance than the brand itself. Documented Eckrosie There are, however, some Eckrosie who have permission to stay within Vesilia. Those who have sworn to uphold a Vesilian way of life. They need to denounce their heritage and attend court-assigned check-ins on a regular basis. The district’s court keeps those individuals in check and by meeting up with them. Eckrosie inspected and followed by the courts are not allowed to leave the area they live in without asking for permission from said court.  Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE


Riverview Access Hidden Content The Kingdom of Vesilia Levent At the top of the city lies the pride of the clay city. A beaming golden dome shimmers in the late afternoon’s glow, a constant reminder to all that the law never rests. This is where the Precedents’ Court stands tall.  The streets are of cobblestone, the houses made from marble, and just about anything different from the red clay that makes up the other buildings in surrounding districts. Here in Riverview, people enjoy their privacy within their decorative estates. Many of the noble families of Vesilia visit the royal theater and conduct business with merchants and lawmen. After the riot in Levent, a secondary protective wall was created to protect the elite of the city. Law & order The Precedents’ Court in Levent is Vesilia’s main body for law and order. A library, housing all rulings past and present as well as all laws, exists and is regularly visited by scholars, judges, and officers. The Precedents’ Court houses a collection of courtrooms as well as a prison on the bottom floor. The court appoints judges who serve in Levent for a period of seven years. It handles the creation of new laws and deals with matters of great concern that the district courts are too small or ill-equipped to handle. Judges are educated men and women who are elected by the heads of government within a certain hamlet or area. They have spent at least two years of study in Nedox and three years of studies in the Precedents’ Court of Levent. All in all, they have five years of studies to rely on in their work. The Royal Theater lies near the district center. Performers from all over the country seek opportunities to attend the historic building and entertain the elite. During one of the plays, the late King Wendel Thorne was assassinated. Surnames & titles Surnames are not a common occurrence in Vesilia. Surnames are given to people of noble status, landowning lords and ladies. People who have gained a higher status because of their actions may receive a surname, an example of this is Cidron Ross. People who use a surname they are not entitled to may end up under the watchful eye of the law. This may be seen as fraud. Wendel Thorne’s Assassination Wendel Thorne, also known as the theater king, enjoyed theater and plays. It was his number one interest and he often sought to attend plays and spend time with artists.   While visiting Levent and the Grand Theatre the king was assassinated by an Eckrosie. The woman (Kirwan) did the deed to stop the slaughter of the Eckrosie. She was apprehended at the scene and later tried and condemned to a Victims’ Will. The execution was held outside the Precedents’ Court of Levent. Right after the assassination, Wendel’s son Canden Thorne declared himself the king and was quick to deliver justice and launch a campaign against any Eckrosie living in Vesilia. Scroll further down to find the PDF of “Fading Applause” which is a short story in the collection called Legends Steeped in Red. If you cannot view it, head on over to Wattpad and read it there. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

The Caravan

The Caravan Access Hidden Content Levent The performers known as the Shields of the Moon are a collection of bards, singers, storytellers, actors, and musicians who perform in Levent. Their sign is a shield surrounded by a starry crown in blues and reds.  Several acting troupes travel the country. They travel through cities and towns. Almost all troupes put up their shows for free and live on the contributions made by the viewers or in some cases the city or town’s guardian. They perform for anyone. The late King Wendel Thorne, also known as the theater king, decided to bring entertainment to the people which could be used to tell certain poignant stories to the public. Upon performing a new show, the Crown must approve the content in order to ensure its entertainment value. During an evaluation, if the manuscript and the artist in charge are found to try and tell a false or malignant narrative, the troupe is disbarred and the artist may face legal repercussions. This in turn has led to private performances held in secret. The Shields of the Moon have been active in Levent for a good ten years. The performers live in communal caravans, traveling from one stage to the next. On rare occasions, they have ventured outside of Levent to attend nearby festivals. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

The Clover

The Clover Access Hidden Content Keelheart Levent Pleasure houses and establishments exist all across Vesilia. Women and men who choose to work as courtesans serve the Unborn and help people fulfill their duties to her. As these workplaces are sanctioned and supported by the Halls there is often a fair amount of wealth involved in the decor. The Clover is no exception although it lies in the middle of the rough slums in Keelheart. Stepping through the doors one is met with exceptional craftsmanship. Vibrant curtains, tablecloths, and tapestries battle for the viewers’ attention. Dried flowers shoot out of tall vases standing by plush sofa groups. The parlor is vast and open but patrons who wish to perform their duties in private are welcomed further into the building where lush beds hide in closed quarters. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

Camp Wintersmore

Camp Wintersmore Access Hidden Content The Kingdom of Vesilia A Royal Outpost On the outskirts of Thorne’s Town, a military encampment lies on the open plains. Captain Hutton has led the camp for the last ten years as a beloved and confident leader. Though the encampment serves more as the training grounds for young soldiers it occasionally serves as a halfway point for mercenaries and soldiers guarding the southwestern areas of Vesilia. They do on occasion open their wooden gates for merchants to offer respite from roaming bandits. The Royal Army Chain of Command Lord High General Serril Thorne is the current leader of all armed forces of Vesilia. The Lord High General works by the monarch’s side and leads all law and military efforts of the country. Together with the king or queen, the Lord High General may call for war or large military efforts, which the lord general needs to heed and carry out. Lord Generals Lord generals are assigned a specific geographical area. They are awarded this by the captain-general and are always nobles or knighted, hence the title. A lord general is in charge of providing the crown with resources and soldiers from their areas. They are in close contact with martials and landowners. Captains Captains operate under their lord generals. They often lead an encampment or detachment of troops on special missions.  Provost Provosts are in charge of disciplining the people who serve at the bottom of the military as soldiers. They are in charge of the soldiers’ health, compliance, and discipline.  Quartermaster The quartermasters are in charge of the logistics of an encampment or detachment.   Paymaster Paymasters take part in the economic side and work closely with the quartermasters. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

Thorne’s Palace

Thorne’s Palace Access Hidden Content Thorne’s Town The Kingdom of Vesilia Levent By the southernmost point of Thorne’s Town lies the royal palace. Its backyard leads to the steep and sharp cliffside of the Rugged Spines. During the last century, the Thorne family has lived in this palace. Prior to living in Thorne’s Town, the family lived in Levent. The reason for the resettlement was for the family to have quicker access to Nedox and the cities to the east of Lake Ember. The Family Tree Recent History Wendel Dahle was wed to Queen Layla Thorne who had given birth to one son, Canden Thorne (y. 365). The following year Layla died giving birth to Serril Thorne which made Wendel Thorne the king of Vesilia in the year 366.   Wendel Thorne, also known as the theater king, enjoyed theater and plays. It was his number one interest and he often sought to attend plays and spend time with artists. While visiting Levent and the Grand Theatre the king was assassinated by an Eckrosie. The woman (Kirwan) did the deed to stop the slaughter of the Eckrosie. She was apprehended at the scene and later tried and condemned to a Victims’ Will. The execution was held outside the Precedents’ Court of Levent. Right after the assassination, Wendel’s son Canden Thorne declared himself the king and was quick to deliver justice and launch a campaign against any Eckrosie living in Vesilia. Wasting little time Canden married Elena Haven to create a bond to their rich and endowed family. However, rumors surrounding the three children born from this union involve Canden’s younger brother Serril Thorne. This is far from the last scandal involving the Haven family. Elena’s older brother, Rick Haven, was responsible for the uprising in Levent. Along with other rich estates and landowners he challenged Canden’s authority and rule. Once the insurrection was quelled Rick his title and lordship was revoked on Elena’s behest. Canden and Serril Thorne The Thorne Family Tree Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

Ancestors’ Walk

Ancestors’ Walk Access Hidden Content The Kingdom of Vesilia Levent Honoring those who came before An ancestor’s square is where heroes and historic people specific to the area are displayed as statues. A place that is usually close to the main street in a city is a place of sanctuary. Every man and woman who enters the zone has the protection from the historic people. It is holy ground and cannot be entered by soldiers or any man carrying malintent. Every town, village, and city has an Ancestor’s Square. Once a statue is placed in the square it never leaves regardless if the king or queen wishes for a removal. The placing of a statue must be granted by sixty percent of the population who live in the area. Two guards at every entrance guard the Square. It is shaped like a square. The guards are not part of the official army. They are Ancestor Guards who protect the area and those inside from any malintent. There are at least three people attending to the restoration of the area as well as the statues. Those who guard and restore the Ancestors’ Square are educated to do so by the Ancestor Committee. The Committee overlooks the vote when a new Statue is to be placed. Inside each Square, people are supposed to contribute with a small contribution after their visit. If one is not able to do so there is no consequence. It is a place for every man and woman regardless of family or status. The squares became a part of history when Tanris, the first king of Vesilia, decided that all men and women regardless of religion could meet and see their heroes. He understood that every city and village had its own heroes and wanted everyone to remember the great men and women of history. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE


Keelheart Access Hidden Content The Clover Rosses’ Haven Levent On the former wet and rundown soil in the forgotten northeastern corner of Levent a slum known as Keelheart has sprung forth. In 414 a man bought the mythic and haunted mansion known as Mudward. Cidron Ross bought the Mudward from Levent’s Headman, Judge Dahle. Within a matter of months, a district sprung alive. Former prisoners of Nedox were hired and given shelter to create a new place for the downtrodden to settle. Rugged structures built in cheap material took place above the mudflats. As the years have gone by the buildings has undergone cheap repairs and additions to make room for more people. The district is in many regards run and operated by Cidron Ross who has achieved a hero’s status. The Crown patrols the streets but keeps out of his business and the business of his associates. Compared to other districts, Keelheart is the slums of Levent. Filthy streets and leaking shelters let bedbugs, fleas, and diseases roam free. Once Keelheart sprung into existence other districts sent their poor and homeless into the slums in an effort to “clean” their streets. While living in these conditions desperate people are in many ways forced to seek aid from the Rosses and their operation. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

Thorne’s Town

Thorne’s Town Access Hidden Content Thorne’s Palace The Kingdom of Vesilia Where the elite live In the Southernmost part of the Great Grasslands where the Rugged Spines shoot into the skies lies Thorne’s Town. A large river carrying meltwater from the glaciers above cuts through the valley and flows to Lake Ember. On both sides of the fast-flowing river, a society with Vesilia’s elite expands. Manors, estates, and the royal palace hide below the mountains in the protected valley. Each noble family with their own soldiers protects this place from any intruders, foreign or domestic, while the Crown ensures the safety of the community. The higher social status an individual belongs to the better in terms of privileges, freedom, and exemptions from the law. To move from one social class to another takes a lot of effort though the mid-levels are more flexible to house those who fall in or out of wealth throughout their lives. For a thrall to venture up to the status of a highborn, is near impossible. The ‘easiest’ way to advance in status from the lower classes to the upper classes is to get wed. Weddings are not a common tradition in Vesilia as it is a ritual to solidify the different positions within the noble houses. To lose the title or be expunged from a noble house drastic crimes or wrongs have been committed. One such instance was when Canden Thorne revoked and denounced Rick Haven his noble status in response to the uprising in Levent. An individual cannot choose to denounce their title or family. That responsibility falls upon the noble house and the current ruler of Vesilia. Noblemen and highborns are entitled to their ancestral lands. In regards to Enfolding and marriage, they are exempt from some of the rules and are instead burdened with stricter and enforced practices such as arranged marriages. The nobility is divided into a few categories. Landowners are the rich and endowed who own land. They keep close contact with lord generals as they must provide the latter with soldiers and resources. In return, landowners may receive protection and help.  Martials are nobles who do not own any land. They have received a title without any land ownership. This is bestowed on soldiers who have been knighted. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE Home About Forged in Crimson The Crimson Slums Legends Steeped in Red Home About Forged in Crimson The Crimson Slums Legends Steeped in Red Copyright © Sarah Eriksson 2023 | Silver and Crimson | All rights reserved. Facebook Instagram

The Glade

The Glade Access Hidden Content Thorne’s Town A hidden forest gem, this water pool reflects the vibrant greenery like a beautiful mirror. The brook lies just beyond a hill, hidden from the view of travelers. Moss, ferns, wildflowers, and blueberries cover the forest in a green sheet beneath the canopy. Maple, oak, and birch make up most of the majestic trees surrounding the glade. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

The Attic

The Attic Access Hidden Content The Clover Keelheart Levent Nestled amidst forsaken structures of the busy slums of Levent, an attic room serves as a refuge for a pleasure house’s families. The room bears scars of neglect with its weathered clay walls and chipped wooden floor. A single cracked window casts rays upon two worn beds. A threadbare blanket, mended countless times, covers the unmade beds. A dented shelf near the window displays a meager assortment of belongings – a clay figure shaped like a horse and a few folded dresses. Despite the humble surroundings, the attic shines bright with love and belonging whenever the two sisters’ infectious laughter fills the room. The attic room of the pleasure house known as “the Embrace,” runned by Giana in Keelheart, has been rented out to earlier workers. Since a few years back, Jaida and her two girls, Leah and Miya, have been staying in the attic and off the rough streets of Keelheart. Women who work in pleasure houses serve the Unborn and are often offered some kind of accommodations arranged by the Halls. However, this arrangement depends heavily on the kindness of the Guides working in the area. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

The Riveroak Estate

The Riveroak Estate Access Hidden Content Thorne’s Town The Kingdom of Vesilia History The Riveroaks are one of the more prominent noble houses of Vesilia. Heathon Thorne, the youngest son of Cassian Thorne and Catline Haven, wedded Aelina Riveroak, entwining the royal family with the Riveroaks. The family crest and name connect to the ancestral lands of Kingssay, where the Riveroaks initially rose to wealth and power. A lone oak tree grew in the middle of a river on the family’s ancestral land which inspired the family’s crest. The Estate Nestled atop a hill stands an estate that commands the attention of passersby. Surrounding the estate, lush green meadows stretch far and wide, but this is interrupted by the majestic presence of a jagged mountain range. The estate’s orange roof shines like a beacon against the sky, contrasting beautifully with its sturdy grey stone walls. Well-kept stables, servant’s quarters, and an enchanting garden guide visitors along a path toward the grand entrance of the mansion.   This mansion belongs to the Riveroaks, a noble family with roots in Kingssay and deep connections to the Vesilian crown. The recent generations saw the marriage between Prince Heathon Thorne and Aelina Riveroak solidifying the Riveroak’s position within the line of succession. Aiden’s Bedroom On the second floor’s southern corner, the bedroom belonging to Aiden Riveroak overlooks the estate’s gardens. A calming scent of vanilla lingers in the air from books cramped together on tall bookshelves. A few remnant books rest near one of the valved windows. A blanket and soft decorative pillows reveal the child’s reading nook on the windowsill. On the few empty surfaces of the walls, one finds some paintings depicting epic battles and conquests.  A bed cover stretches across a two-person-sized bed. No creases or wrinkles mark the soft fabric hiding the bedsheets underneath.  The Study The study on the second floor is a place for solitude and contemplation. The room with its dark oak paneling and sparse decor gives the visitor an aura of timelessness. The air lies thick with burning candles. The centerpiece of the room is a robust oak desk where books, letters, and scrolls lay scattered about, the evidence of a busy man’s presence. Above a fireplace, a magnificent mantlepiece holding a sword sits on display. This sword symbolizes Lionel Riveroak’s bravery during the uprising of Levent. It is a symbol of his nobleman’s status and honor to his king and country. The blade remains polished with a mirror-like sheen and is cared for at least once a month. The Kitchens Stepping into the estate’s kitchens, one is met with the air thick with the irresistible scent of fresh herbs and spices. From early dawn till late night, the kitchens are a bustling hive of activity with thralls scurrying back and forth. They maneuver between bubbling cauldrons and shelves stacked with colorful vegetables, sacks of flour, and preserved fruits. A massive iron cauldron spews steam into the air, a thick vapor wafting aroma into the nearby hallway. The Dining Hall Stepping into the Riveroak’s dining hall the space exudes a sense of history and artistry. Tall arched windows reaching from the polished floor up to the ceiling spill natural light into the grand room. The furnishings are sparse, holding only a long table with seating for at least twenty people in plush chairs. Candelabras and decorative chandeliers cast a warm and inviting glow during evening meals. The wall opposite the windows showcases the wondrous masterpieces of artwork. Rich colors and intricate brushwork chronicle the history of Caldril from the early settlers up until recent moments of significance. At the center, a huge painting depicts the Hero of Riverview, the lord of this estate. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

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